Winter Activities For Kids

As you likely know from experience, it can be difficult to keep your children entertained during the winter season. If you’re children are constantly complaining of boredom during the winter, you should consider sending them to a kids camp that offers fun winter activities. Here are some of the many winter activities your kids will enjoy at a kids camp in southern Florida.


Contrary to popular belief, it is perfectly possible to go canoeing in the cold winter season. In fact, many people have reported that their best canoeing experiences occurred on a cold, snowy day. If your children enjoy canoeing and don’t mind the cold, they will have a blast going winter canoeing at our kids camp. Your children will learn how to paddle a canoe with a group of young children. Not only will your child build strength, self-esteem, and confidence, they will also learn essential boat safety rules that will keep them safe on future winter canoe trips, as well as boating trips in general.


fishingYet another activity that is perfectly possible during the winter is fishing. If your child doesn’t already know how to fish, we will help him or her develop these skills. This activity is perfect for children who have a natural interest in the good ole’ outdoors, especially when it comes to the marine environment. While your child learns how to fish, he or she will also learn skills necessary to move safely in a small boat. The day will begin with your child looking for live bait to use while fishing. Your child will then use the bait to fish. By the time your child leaves the kids camp, he or she will know how to skillfully use a fishing pole with bait.


Hiking happens to be a particularly fun activity for young children during the winter. Your children will come to love the outdoors with a passion by the end of the hiking trip at our kids camp. Your child will sleep in a tent with a sleeping bag and eat food cooked from a campfire. He or she will have a blast singing campfire songs and interacting with the other children. Not only will your child have plenty of fun, but he or she will learn many essential survival skills, such as how to pitch a tent correctly. The self-esteem of your children will likely soar as he or she successfully learns these essential survival skills.


archeryIf your child is interested in learning a new sport, he or she can learn archery at our kids camp. Your child will learn archery skills related to form and shooting. While they will certainly learn how to shoot an arrow with accuracy, they will also learn maintain and tune their bow. They will also learn how to maintain their arrows and troubleshoot for common issues. You can also expect your child to learn how to make new ammo and targets, which will make it easier for them to practice the sport when they return home. During archery tournaments, your children will learn proper archery tournament etiquette, which can be extended to tournaments of all kinds.

Science Projects

Even if your child isn’t interested in being outside during the cold winter months, there is still plenty of fun to be had at a kids camp during the winter. Your child can participate in science projects that will cultivate his or her interest in nature and the world as a whole. Your children will do the science projects in groups, which will teach him or her valuable collaboration skills. They will also be able to take the science project in any direction that they wish. The science project will be based on his or her interest, and we will simply be there as guidance. Your child can conduct popular science projects like the baking soda volcano, or your child can come up with his or her entirely unique science project. Don’t be surprised if your child returns home from our kids camp with a completely new appreciation for science.

Arts and Crafts

20140102_103351 (Copy)If your child isn’t interested in science, he can have a blast participating in arts and crafts projects. This will help your child develop his or her creative streak. At our kids camp, your child will have access to many art supplies so that he or she can make whatever their heart desires.

As you can see, your child is in for a few weeks of endless fun at our kids camp. Just because it’s cold and snowy outside doesn’t mean your child needs to stay indoors suffering from an extreme case of boredom. At our kids camp, your child will be able to learn many new useful skills while having a blast with other children his or her age.