What to Expect at Camp Live Oak?

What to Expect at Camp Live Oak?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summer camp is a big step for first-time campers. Offering a multitude of exciting experiences, summer camp allows for kids to branch out in ways never anticipated. From canoeing to hiking and making new friends, kids will have the time of their life. In the era of COVID-19, summer camp is beneficial to kids, especially after a year of staying at home. Kids need interaction and opportunities to grow. With a year of nearly seeing no one, it is time to make up for that. If you are a parent seeking a summer camp opportunity for your child, consider Camp Live Oak in South Florida. Camp Live Oak offers many opportunities for children while ensuring they are safe. Here is what to expect at Camp Live Oak:

Health and Safety

This is no ordinary summer year. While staff at Camp Live Oak are excited to welcome back campers this summer, COVID-19 is still around. As a parent, it is normal for you to worry about the health of your child. That is why Camp Live Oak works to address any worries by offering solutions. For over the past 30 years, Camp Live Oak has offered parents the reassurance they need to ensure their child is safe.

While the camp will look a tad different this year, it does not change the fact that kids will have a great time. Camp Live Oak strictly follows the CDC, Florida health department, state and local authorities, and the ACA to provide essential safety measures. To ensure safety, group capacity is 20 children, and camper capacity is limited to 85 per week. Sanitation stations will be located around the camp near every activity center. Responsible camp counselors will remind campers to wash their hands. In case a child is feeling ill, designated health care professional will be onsite and complete temperature checks.

Since children tend to touch many surfaces, all surfaces will be sanitized regularly before and after they are touched or used. Bathrooms will be properly sanitized as well as tables and equipment. Generally, Camp Live Oak offers field trips and bus rides, but to keep everyone safe, campers will remain on site.


Now onto the fun aspects of Camp Live Oak. While at camp, kids can expect to participate in a multitude of activities. Camp Live Oak offers multiple sports that are friendly for all, such as kickball, flag tag, and soccer. Offered all summer long, kids can take their comfort to the next level by gliding through the water on a paddleboard. During swim time, campers have the choice of paddleboarding and will have multiple opportunities. Has your child ever attempting fishing? Well now is their chance. Campers will have an opportunity to catch and release fish at the pier. If your child’s favorite movie is The Hunger Games, they will love to attempt archery. Each week campers can practice their skills at the archery range that is safe for all ages. Archery takes focus, patience, and discipline. Many lessons can be learned from this activity.

Who does not love arts and crafts? Artistic and innovative teachers and artists lead art activities. Kids will have the opportunity to learn and practice different techniques. Best of all, they can bring home with them what they make. Another fan favorite activity is surfing. What better way to learn how to surf than on the beach of Ft. Lauderdale?

When searching for the best summer camp to send your child to, look no further than Camp Live Oak. For more information, contact Camp Live Oak today.
