Summer Safety for Florida Families

Summer Safety for Florida Families

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summer is the best opportunity for your children to enjoy various outdoor activities. But, with Florida’s summer heat reaching up to 92ºF during peak summer days, it’s important to be smart in protecting your family during this season. 

Hydration is Key!

The extreme summer heat can cause dehydration and other illnesses. For the vulnerable demographics including children and senior citizens, it’s essential to stay hydrated when engaging in any sport-related activities. Hydration may sound simple but there are different ways you can do it successfully other than simply drinking water.

For one, it’s important for your children to stay hydrated BEFORE engaging in strenuous activities. Provide them with easy access to water or other electrolyte-filled sports drinks during the particular activity. When possible, teach them to rehydrate every 20 minutes when out and about in order for them to restore their energy.

In case of lightheadedness or headaches, you should immediately get them out of the heat. Afterward, make sure to remove any protective gear that may trap heat. Then, place a wet towel over their head. Encourage them to drink water. If they don’t feel any better within 20 minutes, consult with a doctor immediately.

Don’t Be Out Too Long 

To prevent sunburn, your children should avoid staying in the summer heat for too long. Always wear lightweight and light colored clothing. In addition, you should also consider providing them with hats and sunglasses as added protection. 

If your children enjoy playing outside, try to avoid having them play during the sun’s peak hours. Whenever possible, encourage your child not to play outside between 10 am and 4 pm. If they have any sports activities scheduled during this time, be sure to apply high SPF sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection.

Keep Mosquitos Away

While mosquito season can start as early as March, it can peak during the summer. You need to ensure your family’s safety since mosquitos can also carry diseases like the West Nile Virus and Zika.

In order to prevent your children from being bitten by these annoying little insects, there are certain precautions you can take. Wearing long-sleeves and long pants is an effective way to prevent mosquito bites. Though, the downside is it can be quite a hassle to wear this style of clothes during the summer. Instead, always prepare EPA-approved mosquito repellent for bare skin. Make sure to always follow the label instructions.

Lastly, since you’re already probably going to apply sunscreen it’s best to apply repellant after for maximum effect. Keep your children safe when out and about. Even when summertime is over, it isn’t a bad idea to still use repellent whenever your children participate in outdoor activities.

Be Safe Around Water

It can’t be stressed enough how important water safety is during the summer, especially in Florida. Your children should always be under direct adult supervision when in the pool or at the beach. Never ever leave them alone in any body of water. Encourage them to always be at your side even when there are other adults around.

Incidents of children falling into a pool or getting into trouble isn’t too far-fetched. Even with lifeguards, it’s never a bad idea to always have an adult watching your kids. Though equipping your children with inflatables is a good idea, you shouldn’t let your guard down when they are in the water.

To provide extra protection for your children, the summer is a good time for them to learn how to float and swim. Swimming lessons can help them learn to be more independent when in the water. However, all of the previously mentioned precautions should still be practiced as there is no safety guaranteed even if they know how to swim though knowing how is an added precaution that helps them adapt in the water on their own. Contact us and learn more about how we prioritize your child’s safety at Camp Live Oak. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]