Safety at Summer Camp

Safety at Summer Camp

For parents, camp conjures up memories of campfires and sing-a-longs, nature walks and games galore. For kids attending summer camps, camp offers many exciting opportunities to laugh and learn, from canoeing to arts and crafts, archery to swimming. Children enjoy fun and exciting activities at camp while school is in recess. At Camp Live Oak, before your children arrive and while your children are at camp, their safety, health, and fun are of great significance! Here are the medical and safety issues of which you should be aware to help Camp Live Oak give your kids a great summer camp experience.

Written Health Policies

You can find Camp Live Oak’s written health policies, protocols, registration forms, and the camp handbook online, but here you’ll find an overview of safety at summer camp. At Camp Live Oak, health and safety is a priority, so every staff member is CPR and First Aid certified. When filling out your registration form, you’ll want to share with the camp any health concerns you have including physical, mental, or emotional along with medical concerns like medications, allergies, and dietary restrictions, and special concerns like ADD, ADHD, etc. The information you provide is confidential, strictly for camp use.

The staff at Camp Live Oak is also prepared to handle minor bouts of homesickness which eight out of ten campers face at least one day of their camp experience.

Medical Forms

As with starting each school year, children of all ages should have a complete exam annually and be up to date on all childhood immunizations. At Camp Live Oak, campers under six years of age need a physician copy of the Certificate of Good Health (HRS Form 3040) and Florida Certificate of Immunization, including a TB test (HRS Form 680) before camp. Camper over six, don’t need additional forms unless they are from outside the U.S. For those campers, a physical must be performed by a U.S. doctor along with immunization records from the country of origin.

Allergies, Limitations, and Medications

If your child suffers from allergies, food, environmental, or other, please utilize the registration form to describe the condition and inform appropriate staff members. Parents are also encouraged to discuss specific health needs with the Camp Director.

Should your child have physical limitations preventing him or her from participation in all activities, a written note from parents is required.

If your child requires medication, you’ll need to provide an Authorization for Medication Form on the first day of camp. All medication should be given to the camp’s On-Site Director and should be in its original bottle with instructions. Along with medications, you’ll also want to send bug spray, sunscreen, and maybe even calamine lotion, just in case.

In Case of Emergency

At Camp Live Oak, the staff is equipped and certified to handle minor cuts, scratches, insect bites, abrasions, and the dispensing of medications as needed. Ask if you’d like to know more about how minor injuries are reported to parents. If a more serious injury or emergency situation occurs, local EMS is located close to each camp location. At Birch State Park EMS is adjacent to the park and at Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park is only three miles away. Emergency Release forms are required for all campers and allow the camp to proceed with medical care while working to reach parents in case of an emergency. 

Activities and Safety

Depending on the summer camp session your children are attending and their age, activities vary, but health, safety, and fun are always the priority. For example, life jackets are a part of all water activities. At Camp Live Oak, the goal is for every child to have a fun, safe, and positive camp experience, so should you or your children have questions, please visit online, in person, or call today.