How to Pack and Stay Warm -- Fall Camping Tips

How to Pack and Stay Warm — Fall Camping Tips

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Camping is often considered a summer activity that comes with its own adventures and experience when done in the fall. Camping in the fall makes the activities much more challenging and fun. All the zest of camping along with the cool breezes, the crunchy leaves, and red skies is surely a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

However, since it comes with its challenges, you should always be prepared to face whatever might come your way. Camping in the fall means that you need to carry some extra essentials to keep yourself warm and safe in the cooler temperatures. So, let’s get into some tips that will help you decide what you need to carry before you head out camping this fall. 

Insulated Jackets 

Although it is very unlikely that we will see temperatures drop below, it is still a wise idea to carry an insulated jacket for windy nights. This will regulate your body temperature and is the best when it comes to heat retention. Fleece jackets can keep you comfortable and protect you against bug bites. So, make sure that everyone who goes with you carries or packs a fleece jacket with them. 

Rain Jacket and Rain Boots 

The weather can be quite unpredictable in the fall with the chance for tropical weather. So, it is always best to be prepared to face the rain. You should always carry a rain jacket, rain boots, and a poncho to protect yourself from the rain. Additionally, pack rain covers to protect your belongings. It can be hard to walk and hike in the rain, so rain boots and rain-appropriate gear is vital. 


Lighting a fire is a classic camping activity and should not be missed. However, when you go camping in the fall, it can be difficult to find dry firewood, and therefore, it can result in no fire. Since bonfires are one of the main ways with which people keep themselves warm on cooler evenings during camping, stock up on plenty of firewood. Pack a little more than you need not only because the days start to get shorter during fall but also because who doesn’t enjoy s’mores every night of the camping adventure. 

Sleeping Gear 

Your sleeping gear will be your best friend when it comes to keeping yourself warm and getting a good night’s sleep while camping in the fall. Instead of using one foam pad as you would typically, place two between your sleeping bag and the ground for greater comfort in case of cooler temperatures or wet ground. Alternatively, you can also pack two sleeping bags or put your sleeping bag in a bivy sack to get the same effect. 

Bear Spray

If you are going to be camping in a location that sees bears from time to time, it’d be wise to carry bear spray in the event of an encounter. For animals like bears, cooler temperatures mean more physical activity and hunting. To lower the chances of wild animals coming your way, keep your food packed away from your tent and hide other things that you may fear will attract them. 

High-Calorie Snacks 

While on a camping trip, do not think about calories that much and stock up on carbs and fat. Anything such as meat, cheese, or nuts, will go a long way in keeping you full and active. They are filling as well as a good source for energy and nutrition. Anything from candies, sweets, and other sugary delicacies can also go in your luggage as they are an easy source for carbs. Also, all camping activities tend to burn calories really fast, so, always ensure that you’ve had a decent meal before participating in any activities. 

Are you ready to camp this fall? At Camp Live Oak, we have everything your kids need to have the most unforgettable camping experience. With programs like scuba camps, winter day camps, Teen eco, and more, we make sure that every kid on our camp not only has fun but learns great lessons about the wilderness and nature. So, don’t wait and get in touch today to sign up for one of our many camping programs! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]