Summer Programs for Kids

Now that the school year is slowly winding to a close, your children are probably counting down the days until the last day of school. While your children are likely incredibly excited for summer vacation now, within a few weeks they will probably be complaining of severe boredom. One way you can prevent these complaints is by having your children participate in …

Why Camping May Save Your Child’s Life

Many think of camping as merely free-form fun–a time to be outdoors and maybe develop both new friends and new skills. However, for the modern generation, camping can save their future…and it might just save their lives! One of the ways that camping may save your child’s life is the active lifestyle that it promotes. As the Early Childhood News …

Scientifically-Backed Benefits for Outdoor Play

It’s no secret that it can be incredibly difficult to get children to spend time outside nowadays — with tons of video games, television shows, and the endless Internet at their disposal — but we’ve found scientific data that shows several benefits of outdoor play and being in nature. Besides making us happier, playing outdoors is a great way to get …

Kids and Peer Socialization

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Making friends is more than just a childhood rite-of-passage. Peer socialization – interacting with people of similar age, interests, or background – is crucial from an early age. Studies show that having friends is one of the keys to healthy psychological and social development. On the surface, it might seem that kids receive plenty of socialization at school, but opportunities for meaningful …

South Florida Summer Camp Programs

As we kick off the new year of 2016 there is a lot we all are looking forward to. For young kids, they are excited to see their friends again after winter break from school. Many are accustomed to enjoying the cooler weather with anticipation of warmer temperatures. Luckily for them, we have an amazing program that is within arms …