Fall celebrations, Halloween in particular, offer fun times for children and adults alike. Dressing up, decorating, carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, parties, and delicious treats like chocolate bars and candy corn all add to the fun festivities. But, even so, Halloween can become an evening filled with risks – from belly aches to skinned knees, torn costumes to road hazards. Let’s keep …
Kite Flying Tips and Tricks for Fall
Kite Flying is a fun activity for the entire family to enjoy. The youngest to oldest child always relishes the thrill of getting their kite in the air and watching it fly. Plus, now, the weather is mild, with little humidity, making autumn the perfect time for kite flying with family and friends. To make your kite flying adventure even …
Benefits Of Letting Your Child Enjoy Teacher Workdays At Camp Live Oak
The new school year here and families are scheduling around school schedules, teacher work days, and school vacations. What are your children going to do to keep them occupied and out of mischief on those days when school is out and mom and dad have to be at work? Day Camps and Camp Sessions at Camp Live Oak provide the …
6 Cool Facts About Sea Turtles for Kids
At Camp Live Oak, we regularly host guest speakers to educate campers about sea turtles and ongoing rescue efforts. The following fun facts for kids about Florida’s sea turtles are sure to get your child even more excited about this fascinating species. Living in Florida offers the unique experience to learn firsthand about sea turtles, after all our state is …
7 Interesting Facts About the Florida Everglades for Kids
Our campers love going on air boat rides in the Florida Everglades as one of our many field trip opportunities. Air boats offer a super fun way to glide across the water, and the Everglades has so much to show off—after all, it’s home to one of the world’s most unique collection of eco systems. There are plenty of good …