With the exception of this winter’s unseasonably cold weather, Florida is the perfect place to enjoy family fun in the wintertime. One way to ensure a healthy active lifestyle along with solid family bonding is to plan fun exciting activities to do together. You can plan activities in winter all around the state without the crowds of summer. Budget doesn’t …
Staying Fit as a Family
As you begin reading this, you may be thinking, “how on earth can I help my family get and stay fit when I can’t even carve out time for my own workout?” The truth is staying fit as a family doesn’t mean hitting the gym or having some overly organized workout schedule to which your family adheres. Staying fit as …
After the Holiday Break – Kids Need Back to School Brain Food
After a fun-filled holiday complete with sugar-laden goodies, kids need some healthy back to school brain food to get the next term started off right. Actually, kids and the adults in their lives often need a brain boost after a holiday or a long weekend of relaxation and fun. To help the children in your life head back from the …
The Gift of ACA Camp
Here at Camp Live Oak, there are number of day camp days coming up including Teacher Work Day Camps and Winter Day Camps. These day camps offer lots of fun activities as well as significant adventures to get your kids moving during these often-lazy days of lounging on couch and watching TV or playing video games. Now is the time …
How Camp Impacts Kids
Ahh, summer camp…nearly everyone has memories of heading off to summer camp at some time in their childhood. And now, as parents, grandparents, and caregivers, many of you are considering camp for the children and teens in your lives. Camp is still a great idea for kids and teenagers, as it always has been! ACA Accreditation Here, at Camp Live …