Summer Camp today, while still delivering the promise of life lessons and lifelong friendships, today’s camps are continually evolving to meet the needs of 21st Century families and their children. Summer camps, as always, work hard to help today’s kids survive and thrive in their communities as well as the greater global environment. Having been around now for more than …
Snorkeling with the Family in Florida For Spring
Snorkeling is an awesome activity which can bring the family together for a day of fun this spring. Surrounded by ocean waters and filled with clear natural springs, Florida is the ideal location for snorkeling. And whether you are a seasoned snorkeler or brand new to the activity, here are some snorkeling tips as well as some of the state’s …
Kids with Special Needs Enjoy Summer Camp Too!
Sending your children to summer camp for the first time is challenging for nearly every parent, and for the parents of children with special needs it can be even more so. And yet, summer camp can be a great experience for children with special needs, helping them to make new friends while allowing them to explore sports, games, and other …
Classic Outdoor Games – Part II
Remember back in the day, you played outside all through the spring and summer with the kids in your neighborhood. Today, kids are more attached to their electronics and seem to avoid playing outside, but as parents, you can encourage outdoor play by teaching your kids the games from your childhood. Last time, we revisited these awesome games – Tag, …
Choose Camp For Your Kids This Summer
In years past, summer camp was almost always a given, with most kids enjoying at least a week of camp every summer. Today, kids are growing up differently with screen time as their most predominant activity. And that difference makes summer camp more important than ever. Though the kids of today are connected to virtually everything and everyone via technology, …