Would you believe that among American children, aged 8 to 18, the average time spent in front of screens (television, computers, video games, cell phones, and mobile devices) is seven hours? It’s true, reported by a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The New York Times was even more blunt, entitling a similar finding “If your Kids are Awake, …
Why You Should Choose an ACA-Accredited® Camp
Why choose an ACA-Accredited® camp? First and foremost, ACA-Accredited® Camps, like Camp Live Oak, are the gold standard of summer camps. Before, answering the why though, let’s take a look at what defines an ACA-Accredited® Camp. American Camp Association (ACA) Accreditation For more than 100 years, the American Camp Association (ACA), a community of camp professionals, has worked to ensure …
Camp’s Important Role in Your Child’s Development
For parents who had positive summer camp experiences, most would agree camp helped them become the caring people they are today. The same is true for those experiencing quality summer camps today, childhood development is enhanced by summer camp. Educators might even agree that summer camp could serve as the solution to summer learning loss. As the debate rages over …
Safety at Summer Camp
For parents, camp conjures up memories of campfires and sing-a-longs, nature walks and games galore. For kids attending summer camps, camp offers many exciting opportunities to laugh and learn, from canoeing to arts and crafts, archery to swimming. Children enjoy fun and exciting activities at camp while school is in recess. At Camp Live Oak, before your children arrive and …
Tips to Help Your Child Make Friends at Summer Camp
Making friends can be a challenge for anyone, child to adult, but when kids head to camp this summer, parents can help. If it’s your child’s first time at camp or if they are a seasoned summer camper, making new friends can be difficult. This is especially true for those kids who are shy. While shyness can affect everyone at …