Yes, Camp is For Every Child

Yes, Camp is For Every Child

Nearly every parent who has had the courage and foresight to send their child to camp has seen it. While at camp, your child grows in some way – whether it be only one area of growth or many – growth is always a result of camp. You may see your once shy child come out of his or her shell and be more confident. You may notice your child who was once withdrawn is now engaging others. You may see selfishness turn to a giving spirit or a child who often gave up easily return with a never give up attitude.

The reason – while camp is a fun getaway it is also filled with activities and experiences that are analogous with the real world. Camp allows kids to make friends, discover and be themselves, be part of a team, a group, something bigger than themselves. A great camp is a place where children can have their needs – emotional, physical, mental, and personal – met in a safe environment with caring counselors. Children get to experience childhood at camp, all while learning the skills they’ll need to be a productive adult, things like getting along with others, learning to be creative, discovering new things, and taking safe risks that allow them to try, fail, and try again. Camp is all about growing.

Camp is for all children from the athletes to the musicians, to the fearless explorers, to the shy first-timers, to the children with a disability. At American Camp Association (ACA) accredited camps like Camp Live Oak, camp is for every child and promises a fun, safe, and developmentally appropriate environment.

The American Camp Association was founded in 1910 and has grown as it has built on a commitment to children and parents through ongoing research and education in the area of childhood development. Today, the best practices of the American Camp Association and their camps is communicated to each camper and counselor from developmental and enriching activities to safety on land and in the water, to healthy eating. Everything at ACA accredited camps is designed to enhance children’s natural curiosity and help them grow and learn. In addition, safety is paramount, from counselor to camper ratios to customized care, camp is meant to be fun and safe for every child.

Camp is for every child, each benefitting in their own unique way as they learn exploration, discovery, responsibility, engagement, and confidence. ACA camps are prepared to meet challenges every day and help every child develop, grow, and succeed at their own pace with their own unique abilities. Can camps success be measured? Maybe not in a quantifiable way, but it is certainly testified to by parents and their children who see and experience the positive changes that camp delivers.

When you think about it, as parents, caregivers, and even children who have experienced it, you always hear the many wonderful attributes of camp including honoring family camp traditions, the firsts experienced (catching a frog, riding a horse, learning to canoe), being a part of the camp community, making memories, and discovering yourself in new ways.

At Camp Live Oak, as an ACA accredited camp, we set our goals and standards high to ensure camp is for every child and every family. We promise a safe environment filled with caring adult role models, learning experiences, leadership opportunities, personal growth, community service, and ongoing stewardship for the environment. Our ultimate goal is to deliver every child the opportunity to learn and grow into an amazing adult who is independent and confident, able to make a difference in the world.