Sleepover Camp Benefits At Birch State Park

6 Benefits Of Sending Your Child To Starlight Sleepover Camp At Birch State Park

birch-mapCamp Live Oak’s popular Starlight Sleepover is held at Birch State Park, giving kids the perfect opportunity to experience sleepover camp for the first time or the twentieth time.

We make sure every kid benefits greatly from the experience. In fact, there are 6 big benefits of sending your child to our Starlight Sleepover Camp held at Fort Lauderdale’s beautiful Birch State Park.

1. Great Experience For First-Time Overnight Campers

Our unique Starlight Sleepover Camp is packed full of awesome activities including plenty of hearty kid-friendly meals, a live DJ, campfire S’mores, night hikes and more! Alongside plenty of fun, we strive to make every child feel comfortable and at ease, even if it’s the first time sleeping away from home.

We understand sleepover camp can be overwhelming for first time campers, especially when the slumber party lasts for 1-3 weeks. Some children even become desperately homesick as they are in an unfamiliar environment for an extended period of time.

Starlight Sleepover gives kids the opportunity to experience an overnight camp without overwhelming them. Since it is a single night sleepover camp, kids tends to focus more on having fun as opposed to worrying about how long until they go home. As a result, the experience helps encourage children to be more comfortable about staying away from home.

2. Enjoy Classic Camping Experience

sleepover campThere’s something special about that classic camping experience, which is exactly what our campers get to enjoy at Starlight Sleepover Camp. Imagine your child indulging in a hearty meal before gathering around the bonfire beneath the stars and roasting S’mores. Children have the opportunity to make memories that last a lifetime as they enjoy a drum circle around the campfire, gaze up at the stars and sing fun camp songs that’ll stay with them for life.

3. Meet New Friends

Starlight Sleepover Camp gives kids the opportunity to interact with many kids their age they would otherwise never meet. The larger variety of peers your child has the chance to interact with, the stronger their overall social skills become. Meeting other kids from different backgrounds also helps broaden your child’s worldview and overall experiences.

You never know, your child could meet his or her future best friend, but as the classic saying goes, ‘make new friends but keep the old…’ We always encourage campers to invite their friends to come along. You don’t have to attend our day camp in order to participate in this enriching overnight experience, so feel free to invite anyone and everyone!

4. Help Your Child Mature In Positive Ways

As a parent you strive to give your child every opportunity to succeed, learn and grow. By simply enrolling your child in our annual Starlight Sleepover Camp you are helping to do just that. Camp encourages children to work with different types of people, discover unknown or hidden talents, put themselves out there and stay physically active. All of these things positively promote your child’s overall maturity and development.

According to Michael Popkin, Ph.D, a family therapist and founder of Active Parenting, “The building blocks of self-esteem are belonging, learning, and contributing. Camps offer unique opportunities for children to succeed in these three vital areas and even beyond home and school.” (Read here)

5. Increase Creativity

Starlight Sleepover Camp is fun and exciting but it also exercises your child’s creativity in all new ways. Kids sing songs, dance around the campfire, put on group performances and enjoy learning new dance moves with a live DJ. As a result, creativity grows in so many ways.

6. Develop Independence & Self-Reliance

For the most part, young children and teens are very reliant on their parents for everything from meals to rides. This is a good thing as it helps you maintain control of your child’s life direction. That being said, all children must start to establish some self-reliance and independence in order to make it out in the world on their own someday. Overnight camp gives kids the opportunity to start exercising their independence in a safe and well-monitored environment.

Starlight Overnight Camp Offers Ample Benefits For One Affordable Rate

Starlight Sleepover Camp is an annual tradition held during the second session of summer camp in July. Your child will enjoy the time of his or her life, and the experience won’t break your bank! Learn more about registering your child in this year’s Starlight Sleepover Camp here: