8 Ways A Teen Leadership Retreat Could Change Your Life

group of teens laying down smiling.Our teen leadership retreat allows you to explore who you are as a person, unlocking hidden interests, talents and fun. There are many different types of teen leadership retreats, some last weeks or months while others are shorter day and night trips, like ours. Our teen leadership retreat is cultivated for the modern day teenager between 14 and 17-years-old. We don’t ever tell you who you are or even who you should be. Instead, the goal of our teen retreat is to let you explore who you are and what you want out of life.

Here are 8 ways our teen leadership retreat will benefit your life.

1. Discover Your Passions

A main goal at our teen retreat is to have you focus on what you like most in life. Teachers and parents are always asking you what you like, what are your passions and how can you apply them? Yet, there are so many options out there it can be hard to identify what gets your spirit soaring the highest. There’s no need to worry if you don’t know the answers to these questions, our specially prepared activities are here to help you find the answers from within. Once you know what gets you excited you can learn how to turn that into your life career, granting you a job you will want to wake up for every single day.

2. Make New Friends

With any retreat you have the opportunity to meet new people with similar interests and lifestyle to you, as well as people that are completely different. Since all teens attending the retreat will be around your age it’s the perfect time to forge new friendships. The more people you meet and get to know the more you learn and grow as a person. Some friendships formed at retreats stay with you for the rest of your life. And what could be better than that? After all, one of the greatest gifts in life is true friendship.

3. Better Parent-Teen Communication

Our teen retreat kicks off with a special night for parents only. Parents do the very best job that they can, but a little guidance never hurt anyone. The founder of our special teen retreat puts on a special presentation for parents to provide new tools parents can use to help teens tap into their inner talents. Plus, parents will be given new coaching skills to better connect and communicate with teens while talking about important issues such as work, college and life direction.

4. Learn More About Nature

Everything related to Camp Live Oak incorporates some kind of nature experience. A teen retreat is sure to get you outdoors and learning new things about the beauty of nature all around us.

5. Get Out Of The House For Some Unexpected Fun

Teens tend to have a set schedule they stick to as well as a set group of friends they hang out with. A teen retreat gets you out of your comfort zone rut. It’s been proven that we have the most fun and make the most memorable experiences when we get out of our ordinary routine and try something new.

6. Learn New Leadership Skills

As a teen you are used to taking direction from coaches, teachers and parents, but you are nearly an adult yourself. In just a couple short years you are going to be an adult, and adults should be equipped with the skills of a true leader. Knowing how to successfully lead groups of people is one of the greatest life skills you can have. Our teen leadership retreat will teach you new skills to help you become a better leader in your everyday life.

7. Increased Happiness

In reality some days are happier than others no matter who you are or what your life looks like. Finding happiness is more difficult for some than others, but as a teen it’s never 100% easy. There are a lot of pressures associated with being a teenager, and knowing how to deal with all of this doesn’t come natural. Our leadership retreat will help you find the happiness within no matter what’s going on in your day-to-day world. Happiness is a choice you make every day when you get out of bed, but there are tips and tricks to help make happiness a little easier to locate.

8. Explore Your Options For The Future

The world is your oyster and your options are endless. Our teen retreat will help you learn more about what you could do in the future with your life. It doesn’t have to be a four-year university or a desk job parked in front of a computer. It’s your life and your choices because you rule!

We work with The Greatness Zone to provide an enriching one-day, one night teen retreat unlike any other. Contact Camp Live Oak today to learn more!