7 Signs Your Kid Could Benefit From A Tutor This Summer

7 Signs Your Kid Could Benefit From A Tutor This Summer

If your child’s grades are declining, their attitude about school has changed, or they have homework questions you can’t answer, a tutor can provide unmatched benefits. Summer tutoring programs might not sound like the first thing your child wants to spend their summer doing, but our unique program combines camp and tutoring programs to make learning fun. As a result, your child can return to school next year ready to conquer the curriculum, without missing out on summertime fun. Here are some signs your child could benefit from a tutor this summer.

Signs Your Child May Need A Tutor

#1. Your child’s grades are not as high as they used to be.

Are your child’s grades on a downward spiral? Talking to your child’s teacher can offer insight as to why your child’s marks are not as high as they should be. If your child is great at math but struggles with reading, you might notice their math grades slipping as more word problems are introduced. A tutor can offer the extra help your child needs to understand tricky concepts that are holding them back. Additionally, a tutor provides helpful tips for study habits that’ll help your child excel.

#2. Your child tells you they are confused.

If certain concepts or school subjects have your child puzzled, a tutor can bring a lot of clarity and confidence into the equation. Look over your child’s homework assignments and see how well they are completing them. If they are struggling to finish a math worksheet or answer questions about a book, they could benefit from a tutor.

#3. Your child has questions about their homework that you cannot answer.

Teaching methods change over the years, even the way children are taught to complete math problems has changed. If you’re unable to answer your child’s homework questions, it is nothing to be ashamed about—in fact, SO many other smart and well-educated parents are in the same position. Enrolling your child with a tutor that is knowledgeable on the latest teaching methods is crucial to helping your child get ahead.

#4. Your child is struggling with a particular subject.

Most kids have a subject or two they struggle with–no one can be naturally great at everything! If your child avoids reading or talks negatively about math, it’s time to get a tutor and conquer the subject. All subjects, from math to science, continually build on the same concepts throughout the years. It’s important to nab any issues right away before your child has a chance to fall too far behind their peers.

#5. Your child is not wanting to go to school or their attitude about school has changed.

If your child suddenly has a negative attitude about school, the problem might have to do with academic struggles. First and foremost, make sure your child isn’t having issues with friends or bullies at school. If everything is good on the social front, the problem is more than likely related to the curriculum. It’s so easy for kids to fall behind in school, at which point all new lessons can start to feel impossible to comprehend. This frustrating feeling can lead kids to want to avoid school altogether. A few tutoring sessions can improve your child’s confidence and overall understanding of concepts, putting them back on the road to success.

#6. You are suddenly busier or family routines have changed.

If one or both parents take on a new job or more responsibilities, your child may not get as much supervision or one-on-one help as they are used to. If you don’t have time to help your child with their schoolwork, someone else needs to do it for you. The best person for that job is a qualified tutor with a successful track record.

#7. Your child is not turning in their homework on time.

If your child’s report card mentions missing assignments it’s time to get to the bottom of it. Is your child avoiding his/her homework because the assignment is confusing or doesn’t make sense? A tutor not only helps complete homework, but shows students how to practice good study habits and complete their homework in the future.

We Make Learning Fun!

Certified teacher and head tutor Lisa Ingle can provide your child with private or group tutoring sessions at Camp Live Oak. We offer tutoring for math, reading and writing. Plus, our super flexible time slots work for even the busiest campers.

Learn more about our camp tutoring programs: https://contourbeta.com/clo2024/tutoring/