6 Fun And Educational Summer Camp Activities

Two children in woods looking through binoculars.Keeping kids happily entertained and learning all summer can be quite a challenge for parents. Thankfully, we offer plenty of summer camp activities that will do all of the hard work for you!

We work directly with Florida’s park system to provide a unique day camp experience for kids of all ages. The varied parks around Florida are full of animals, marine life, plants, and even historical sites that make our camp educational, but in a way that feels more like fun than learning.

Camp offers kids the chance to experience many things for the very first time. If your kid attends summer camp here are 6 fun and educational summer camp activities they will have the opportunity to learn and grow from.

1. Archery

Archery isn’t the most common sport in today’s age but it is a thrilling activity still alive and thriving. We give our campers the opportunity to experience archery one to two times per week. According to elite archery competitors this sport serves as a form of meditation, as it takes a great deal of focus to hit your target just right. As a result, archery works to sharpen mental focus, discipline and hand-eye coordination while also giving kids more confidence.

2. Arts & Crafts

Arts and crafts are a classic camp activity but what people often don’t realize is how beneficial art is for kids. Art expands a child’s imagination as well as fine motor skills. We hire innovative teachers and artists to lead all craft activities to ensure kids are getting something extra special from their experience.

We don’t just hand kids some coloring pens and paper, instead children are exposed to new kinds of art and materials that broaden their horizons and sharpen their skill set. Sculpture, recycled art and tie-dye are just a few of the unique arts your child will have a chance to participate in.

3. Nature Photography

Our unique Photo Safari activity gives kids a chance to get up close and personal with Florida’s vast ecosystems and wildlife. Equipping campers with their own camera allows them to document the learning experience. This solidifies the information and also exposes them to the world of photography. Kids have the chance to take digital and underwater photos. Plus, all campers are given their photos at the end of the week and may choose their favorite photo to enlarge for a summer camp keepsake.

If your child is interested in graphic and digital arts they can participate in the production of a short video that is shown to all campers at the end of summer program. These types of experiences are excellent for all kids, especially those with dreams of being a nature photographer or filmmaker, as this gives them the perfect start to fulfilling their dreams.

4. Science Experiments Galore

Experiments are always fun, they start off with an element of mystery because no one knows exactly what’s going to happen and end with a surprise. Kids learn to love science by participating in fun experiments catered to them. We have a number of knowledgeable and experienced science instructors that work with campers to show off the awesome mystique of planet Earth, teaching kids to question everything.

We keep all science experiment groups small so that each child has the ability to experience everything hands-on, and ask as many questions as their little heart desires. Ranger led hikes, animal shows and taking samples directly from the ocean to test under microscopes are just a few ways we bring science experiments to life for campers.

5. Hiking

Keeping kids active all summer is important. Hiking will keep kids physically active but it can also stimulate their mental capacity. South Florida has only a few remaining forests, and we make sure kids have the opportunity to explore these awesome untouched habitats. The vast assortment of terrain offered by our local State Parks teaches kids about native plants, invasive species, precious animal habitats, and so much more. These sorts of experiences get kids learning about nature as well as appreciating and respecting all that Mother Nature has to offer. We mix up beach cleanups, treasure hunts and more to make our hiking adventures even more fulfilling.

6. Canoeing And Kayaking Along Florida’s Coast

Canoeing and kayaking is a pretty big deal in South Florida. This physical activity is thrilling as well as educationally enriching. There are so many sights that kids have the chance to see by boat that they can’t experience on land. Our camp programs provide the safety training necessary for kids to safely navigate Florida’s waters by canoe or kayak. Fish, wildlife, unique plants and more will delight your child, sparking a new appreciation for the beautiful place we call home.

Give your child the gift of a fun and educational summer by enrolling at Camp Live Oak and try our great summer camp activities!